The lockdown update

Hey there, it’s been a while since my last update.

Aside from the new website and domain, quite a lot of things have changed and a few new personal experiments popped out (not related to my work in any way).
As the global pandemic forced me (and everyone else) in staying at home during the weekends, I couldn’t help myself and got this chance to try a few things out.

There’s a bit of everything here: some ability system tests, target locking tests, some vr basic things and also an airplane (lol).
This was also a good opportunity to try out some assets from the store that I had accumulated in a while.

I have to start with the airplane.

I stumbled upon a very nice tutorial on rigidbody physics in Unity, which is a topic that I always wanted to know more about.
Getting some practice with Drag, Torque and other Rigidbody features is something that I always wanted to do.

So for this, I jumped on a tutorial about airplane physics and got immediately hooked into fine tuning the feel and handling of it.
I’m quite happy of the result, I obviously ended up adding some volumetric clouds found on the asset store and some Polygon packages that I got from a discount a while back (because yay sky pirates).

It flies!

In the following couple of weekends after the airplane I kind of snowballed a bit and decided to try out some ability scripting based on the Ultimate Character Controller asset (which is a great base to play around with!). It has been a good practice in animation setups, target locking, some basic ranged and melee combat plus a little bit of behavior tree for AI.

Trying out some buggy melee combat!
A quick test on the target locking system

On the VR side of things, since it was my first experience with an HMD I wanted to practice something simple and not really fancy.
I ended up doing a bit of weapon behavior with a very rudimental data driven setup (again, the visual assets used are not my own) and playing around with hand poses and physics.

Quite often I bumped into my screen during this video

Also as a bonus I tried to make a simple material on which I could draw upon.

Dem art skills

Then of course there was also Ludum Dare with my friends. I’m quite happy with the result given the time and the remote setup of things (even though I couldn’t stop Fabio from putting his signature boobies all around the thing)

I hope this new website will give me enough nudge to start writing up often, there’s still plenty of stuff that happens every now and then and unfortunately gets thrown in the graveyard and forgotten.

See you next time,

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